Xbox One Is Not Designed With Advertising In Mind, Microsoft Says

Xbox One Kinect

Microsoft Director of Mathematical product Planning Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel Penello says the company has better things to do than turn the Xbox One Kinect into an interactive targeted advertising machine.

There was a bit of a stink earlier this year when the word went out that the Xbox Ace, powered by immensely improved Kinect technology, was designed "with advertising in mind." It was a unclear statement but it carried extra weight because of Microsoft's work on "NUads," a type of interactive advertising designed for the avant-garde Kinect that was first of all unveiled in 2011. And heedless of the specifics, nobody likes advertising, aright?

Merely in response to questions about NUads on NeoGAF, Penello described them atomic number 3 "simply interactive advert done on the platform," and said that concerns about Microsoft's plans for ads on the Xbox Incomparable are overblown. "What I think you're asking about is an interview done earlier in the year where someone was talking about how few of the new Xbox One Kinect features *could* be used in advertising – since we can see expressions, engagement, etc. and how that might follow used to target advertising. This is the point that seems to draw some argument," helium wrote.

"First – nobody is working on that. We birth a whole sle more interesting and pressure things to dedicate time towards. It was an interview done speculatively, and I'm not aware of any active work in this space," atomic number 2 continued. "Second – if something like that ever happened, you can cost sure IT wouldn't happen without the substance abuser having verify over it. Period."

Penello renowned that Microsoft could add some "cool features" if it enabled things like taint-based face recognition data storage just aforementioned that for "privacy reasons," that entropy never leaves the console table; as well, the system stops the Skype video stream whenever the app isn't in focus, so it's unsufferable to suffer it going in the background, intentionally or other than.

"I'll say this – we take a lot of passion around stuff we've through with and I prat roll with it. Some of it is deserved," he wrote. "Simply preventing Kinect from being ill-used inappropriately is something the team takes very seriously."

Source: NeoGAF


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