What Does Rdo Stand for in Rdo Equipment

RDO Equipment Co. Careers: Work at RDO Equipment Co.

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Rating overview

Rating is calculated based on 136 reviews and is evolving.

3.79 2017 3.24 2018 3.44 2019 2.87 2020 3.08 2021

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Good benefits most of the culture is a family atmosphere. Very flexible with time off and appointments. Good place to make a career. Can be stressful at times

Sales Representative in Dayton, MN

The running joke is Revolving Door Company and there is a reason for it. Constant turnover with employees and a very weak leadership group that lacks direction and purpose is driving people away. Doing more with less has caught up to them and when poor leadership hires more incompetent management, it will take a miracle or a lot of terminations to get this company back on track. The practice of failing forward with poor leadership is everywhere in the company. Take a problem and promote them. Nepotism is also a best practice with the leadership group. The vodoo accounting practices make it nearly impossible to understand how you are paid and the same accounting group sends billing invoices to customers that can't understand them. Labor unions exist because of companies like RDO. You cant treat your employees and expect them to stay or be productive. Do yourself a favor, go somewhere else for employment. It is not worth the effort at RDO.

Sales Coordinator in Sauk Rapids, MN

This company gives NO training, no one knows who to answer to in this position the company is based on 1st person talks the other is at a loss. None to very little raises. This position doesn't matter inside the Sauk rapids location. You will be required to take one 3 to 4 full time jobs in one with zero help... it is AWFUL

Sales Professional in Hewitt, TX

I couldn't have asked for a better experience in the 10 years I was with RDO . If you can get on there it's a place to retire from. Learn all you can. They know their stuff and treat people with high levels of respect. The greatest place to work. I met great people who became friends and learned a great deal about their product offerings. They are flexible, with a sense of a small local company and often times with new customers I was introducing to RDO they were shocked to learn just how big and resourceful RDO equipment is. I'd you are. Looking for a great place to work with a fun positive atmosphere then I would recommend banging on this door until they let you in.

Traffic Coordinator in Imperial County, CA

Estoy muy contento con lo que yo hago y se nota cuando haces tu trabajo bien porque los supervisores lo notan y te lo agradecen.también nos dan bonos trimestrales y ellos te evalúan sobre tu desempeño y así es como se determina cuanto te toca de bonos.

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Questions and answers

People have asked 32 questions about working at RDO Equipment Co.. See the answers, explore popular topics and discover unique insights from RDO Equipment Co. employees.

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Interview insights

Insights from 37 Indeed users who have interviewed with RDO Equipment Co. within the last 5 years.

Favorable experience

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Process takes about a day or two

Interview Questions

Can you work outside in the heat

Give an example of a time when you solved the problem of a miscommunication. What kind of high stress situations have you experienced in which important calculations were necessary? Describe a situation in which you had to prove to a superior that there was a mistake in their calculations. Tell me about a time when you had to choose between personal priorities and unusual work demands. We all have to make decisions on the job about the delicate balance between personal and work objectives. When have you felt you had to make personal sacrifices in order to get the job done? If one person had to remain in the office while the rest went to a meeting, would you volunteer to stay and how would you make the best use of that time?

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What Does Rdo Stand for in Rdo Equipment

Source: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Rdo-Equipment-Co.

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